Saturday, 1 August 2015

Benefits Of Heart Diseases Screening

It is the real fact that the heart diseases are the leading cause of death for both women and men. Some studies and research show that the individual with the heart diseases can reduce the risk of having heart problems such as angioplasty, heart bypass surgery, drying of heart diseases and nonfatal heart attacks by lowering their blood pressure and their high cholesterol.

The main three heart diseases that individual die from cardiac arrest, stroke and heart attack. Each year so many people die from the heart diseases since they don’t aware of the symptoms of the cardiac arrest. Most of the heart diseases begin with the discomfort and mild pain. If it is treated with early with care, it could save your life.

Thus types of diseases are the terms for all conditions and diseases that affect the heart. EECP is effective, non surgical, mechanical procedure to reduce the angina pectoris symptoms.

Heart disease screening

Some of the symptoms of having heart diseases are having the pain in the middle of your chest, where the heart is situated. So many people describe this pain as pressure on the chest and this pain can go and come. Discomfort in the body parts and also experiencing pain in arms is also one of the symptoms of heart diseases. The patients could also experience nausea, lightheadedness, cold sweats and shortness of death. It is the cardio element of the cardiovascular disease and also includes the diseases of blood vessels or vascular system. Coronary artery diseases are the one type of heart diseases; this leads to cause of heart attacks.

Complete lipid panel; high cholesterol

The simple finger stick screening is used to measure the three types of lipids such as HDL, triglycerides and LDL in your blood and also total cholesterol. It is very essential to know lipid level to determine the heart health. C reactive protein screening, this procedure helps to measure the CRP levels in your blood. This screening is a very much aid, in determining the stroke and heart disease risk levels. As a part of immune system C-reactive protein level in the blood can be evaluated due to inflammation or infection. This type of heart screening is recommended for optimal heart health. Here are some of the heart diseases screening is useful for your heart health.

Blood pressure

This is one of the most significant screenings due to high blood pressure. In general, it has no symptoms, so it cannot be detected without being measured. High blood pressure will enhance the risk of stroke and heart diseases. So it is very important to test the blood pressure level at least once every two years. This screening is helpful to Reduce BP.

Body weight 

Even obesity is also one the main cause of heart diseases. So it is very much important to use the body mass index to calculate your body weight. These types of measurements tell you and your doctor whether you are at the healthy weight or not. So you can lose weight according to the results of this test.

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